Copper Hydroxide

other name: copper Hydroxide [Cu(OH) 2]

CAS No.: [ 20427-59-2 ]

Molecular Formula: CuH2O2

The active ingredient copper hydroxide [ Cu(OH)2 ] is a contact fungicide and bactericide with preventive effect against fungal and bacterial infections.

This particle form firstly results in lasting contact as well as optimal distribution on the plant surface. This particle form also ensures a continuous release of the effective copper(II) ions over a long period.

The excellent rainfastness of the products developed on the basis of copper hydroxide results from the innovative formulation.

Cuprous Hydorxide is used for fungicides control fungal and bacterial diseases on a variety of crops: Almonds, Mangoes, Apricots, Avocado, Citrus, Conifers, Coffee, Cocoa, Grapes, Kiwi Fruit,Apples, Nectarines, Olives, Stone Fruits, Tomatoes, Walnuts

Non-specific thiol reactant, inhibiting respiration. Copper-II-ion (Cu++) is taken up by the spores during germination and accumulates until a sufficiently high concentration is achieved to kill the spore cell; the activity is limited to the prevention of spore germination.

Mode of action
Protectant fungicide and bactericide. Deposits must be on the crop before fungal spores begin to germinate.

For control of Peronosporaceae in vines, hops, and brassicas; Alternaria and Phytophthora in potatoes; Septoria in celery; and Septoria, Leptosphaeria, and Mycosphaerella in cereals, at 2-4 kg/ha or 300-400 g/100 l. Formulation types SC; WP.